Dining Delights
Teeming with culinary pleasures and flavors from around the globe
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Dining at City Center Hotel

Donec volutpat egestas nisl, id mattis massa ultrices sit amet

Vivamus euismod, quam ac consectetur efficitur, odio lectus gravida tellus, vel pretium sapien dolor sit amet leo. Donec ex lorem, porttitor et augue at, viverra congue elit. Fusce pharetra odio id lacus aliquet scelerisque. Donec blandit magna eu lectus lobortis sollicitudin.

The Living Room

Unwind and relax at the Living Room, which emulates the residential feel of a New York City apartment. 

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The Bistro 1925

Overlooking the stunning Barcelona skyline, Bistro 1925 offers our breakfast buffet.

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